Monday, October 18, 2010


After college graduation its a new world of excitement and growth. Another challenge is in front of you on which career path will be taken and how to start in taking it. Majority of college graduate in the country today is a broke. You have to start from a scratch. This time you are on your own feet, nobody should be feeding you now for you to finally decide and take control of your professional life.

When you were still a dreamer, you dreamed of becoming a successful person in your chosen field. You want to achieve things bigger as your limitless imagination. You are no longer dreaming now, this time you are starting to create your career. Your dream is but a dream when you do not do some plans about it. So after dreaming that big dream start to plan. Develop a crytallize plan on which step shall be done first in order to achieve a specific thing in your career.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


A huge number of people fail because they are too dependent to others. You are a master of your own ship, if something is going wrong then change it. you are in charge of your own life.

Refuse to blame others with your failures. Be a boss of you own personal organization. When you take control of your life’s responsibilities, you see your self managing your life. You take all the risk. You have the mentality of being independent and result oriented.

Since you know you are responsible for your life, you have the greater initiative to try different adventures. You learn to go out of the box. You value everything and respect everyone- it’s your responsibility. Accept all the responsibilities of your life. The world does not care who you were- it cares of who you are now and will be in the future. Never complain, you take the action because you create your life.

Monday, October 11, 2010


A man is what he thinks most of the time. So when we believe we have achieve what we want we are actually starting to realize it. Most of the people fail to achieve what they want in life because from the very beginning they are thinking of failures. They fear that they might not achieve what they want. The moment you think of losing the game you actually start to lose.

Start with a very affirmative start. Visualize and imagine yourself getting all the things in life. You need to stimulate your mind then you are stimulating your self esteem and confidence that you will reach the unreachable. Learn to dream big dreams because the bigger your dreams are the greater you will be realizing things.

Majority of the people are just going around the circle of success but they never get into its core because they don’t have the clear picture of themselves successful.

You are what you think you are. Always believe in yourself. trust your self that everything you dream is realistic. While dreaming or aiming to achieve something learn to begin with a positive start. Instead of saying “I am nothing”, “I can’t really make it”, “What if I fail?”, say—-I will make it, it’s easy. It will follow. As long as you have trust in your capabilities you will find ways on your own. You will achieve thing without to much doubts.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


“A person with a clear purpose will make progress even in the roughest road. A person with no purpose will make no progress even in the smoothest road.”-Thomas Carlyle

How can you start without knowing where to go. Life is a journey, there are people who seemed to be very successful but they never had real happiness in their lives. You cannot expect yourself to be happy if you do not really know what make you happy.

In this journey you have to create a location map, a blueprint. Blueprinting is about designing your goal, your direction and system while taking life’s journey.

You have to identify your wants versus your needs. What are your priorities? Create a system for you to properly and effectively run your life. You may get lost but where ever you go you know you have sets of plans if the first priority does not work then try the other one. Know your desires like knowing yourself. Decide which aspect of your life can help you then boost that aspect. If you are more gracious dancing than singing then go for it. go for what your heart feels. Sometimes we get destructed to things around us. This is one of the aspects that are not helping us, eliminate them.

Every action taken has reaction. Set targets on when, where and how should you achieve them. Remember everything happens in proper time and place. Start now because wasted time is wasted success. Do it now it might be your time.

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