People from all ages who wanted to impress and express to people the secret, science or law of getting rich have made different titles on the power of man to change or create his own life.
Some call it the Power of Subconscious Mind, the Science of Getting Rich, the Secret, the Law of Attraction and so forth but these titles are just choices of words from people who envisioned to realized a book that can bring extraordinary motivation and result to its reader.
In my case I call it the Power of Faith. It has been repeatedly said on many writings and in bible, Believe and you shall receive them. No matter how impossible it is for you to achieve something think that you have the power to make things happen. You can never receive anything in life without even believing that you have them, you can have them no matter what.
Another phrase has been said, "you are what you think most of the time." In the game of life if you want to excel you need to have faith. Faith is our sharpest sword, it will harm no one. Think that you are successful. Grow yourself everyday.
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