Any success in life is achievable. Whoever you were or whatever things you experienced in you past, It should never make you a bad or good person today and in the future. Life is not about the past but it is about the future beginning from the present.
If you want to succeed in you life, always remember that the things you can achieve in the future is never equal to your past. Your past only shapes you. It will only help you become a better person, it should allow you to continuously learn a lesson from you failures, your sorrow or even you joy.
Because you failed yesterday; or all day today; or a moment ago; or for the last six months; the last sixteen years; or the last fifty years of life, doesn't mean anything... All that matters is: What are you going to do, right now? - (Anthony Robbins)
Your challenge now is to answer this - Are you willing to be the person you should have been for you to achieve what you always desire in life? Things can happen in right time. Dreams can be realized in time. All you need to have is give time to yourself. Understand your failures, disappointment and desperation - What causes them and what should you do in order to use them. Utilize them as your gear and shield to reach the star you always wanted to reach.
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