“The person you are inside is the person you can be outside.” This line can imply many picture of human’s personality. A greedy, a selfish, a hopeless but thankful personality and sometimes a kind one. These are the most common personalities usually seen on jeepney.
One night while I was on my way home a greedy personality appeared after me, a jeepney driver. Insisting that his 18 seater jeepney is 20 seater.
Nobody gave in the selfish passengers are on their bad face wanting not to share any space on their seats to the last hopeless passenger who were thinking of not seeing any other available route of jeepney or taxi cab to their place.
Finally big five to the only kind and generous human around who gave his seat which resulted him to almost seat on the air before landing on the floor. Life’s journey is like this, most of the time we might think that it’s our dead end but as we get closer to its end we finally see that someONE is waiting for us WHO is willing to help us and extend HIS unconditional love.
Life is always fair. Even if there are greedy, selfish or you seem to be hopeless you still meet the generous man around who can make you thankful about your life.
The generous man’s heart expected no reward but as he heard the word of thanks from the two hopeless passenger it pleased him and inspired him to continuously help. Like God it also delights Him that in all the days of our lives we still appreciate our existence no matter what happen. Life is beautiful we just need to TRUST Him. Believe that you have received them – that is praying!
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