You are the only person who thinks in your mind! You are the power and authority in your world. - Louise Hay
Is your life miserable now? Do you live in sorrow and despair? Are you unhealthy in spirit and body? Are you a failure now? If you say no, you are among the world's happiest individual. Majority of the people in this world have achieved so many things in life and yet they are still unhappy.
Why is that so? Simply, people think that they lack something in their lives. We have unlimited desires. The more wants we achieved the more needs we create. We are not satisfied with our own existence. To think with limitless desires is normal.
We live to achieve. In achieving life's happiness it is not only about achieving material things. We only need a thing and that is - a mind in control.
Happiness is a state of mind, it is a state of mind that you are in power to control what you desire and think. You are they captain of your own ship. A master of your own creation. You mind creates you. Why would you be thinking misery, sorrow, despair, sickness and failure if you can actually think and achieve the opposite?
Life is how you define it. If your definition of happiness is a simple smile in a day then so be it. Life is not about how huge or tiny is your want but it is about how life's simplicity can satisfy you. It will all follow, the satisfaction and pleasure you have now will be doubled - Just think happiness and you will be happy then.
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